卸売 cosmotiger様専用 ペルター 3M タクティカルスポーツ

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購入後使う機会がなく、1,2回使用しました。動作確認済み、電池は抜いて保管していたので液漏れ等はないです。集音マイク機能は素晴らしいと思います。無線機能は端子らしきものがありますが、無線機を持ってないので試してないです。スポーツタック ブラック ヘッドバンドタイプ(ペルター)ペルター社製の集音マイク付き、無線対応のイヤーマフです。スポーツタックは新開発のDSS(Digital Sound Suppression/射撃音を瞬時にカット)カスタムICを搭載した最新の射撃用イヤーマフです。DDSカスタムICにより、射撃温等の耳に有害な衝撃音は瞬時にカットし、周囲音は会話、指示、号令等はもちろん離れた微弱な可聴音まで聴取可能スポーツタックでは小型化した回路基板をカバー内のカップの外側に置いて湿気等から保護しています。 取外しカバーはブラック、オレンジの2種類あり、カバー単体販売も可能です。 自動電源OFF/音量調節機能付き。 タッチ式UP/DOWNボタンで音量調節、無線機などの音声入力用端子搭載。オプションのマイクやptTスイッチを用いて無線用ヘッドセットになります。単4乾電池2本を左カップ内に収納。約600時間動作。射撃だけでなく工場等にもご使用可能です。重量:約318g(電池の重さを含む)カラー:ブラック オレンジサイズ:フリーサイズタイプ:ヘッドバンド遮音値:NRR:21dB SNR:26dB

Peltor™ Sport Tactical 500 Electronic Hearing Protector, TAC500-OTH, 1  Hearing Protector, 4/Case | 3M United States
Peltor™ Sport Tactical 500 Electronic Hearing Protector, TAC500-OTH, 1 Hearing Protector, 4/Case | 3M United States

Peltor Sport Tactical 100 Electronic Hearing Protector (TAC100) by 3M
Peltor Sport Tactical 100 Electronic Hearing Protector (TAC100) by 3M

Amazon.com: Peltor Sport Tactical 300 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector,  Bluetooth Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 22 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed  Microphone, Ideal For Range, Shooting & Hunting (TAC300-OTH) : Sports &  Outdoors
Amazon.com: Peltor Sport Tactical 300 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector, Bluetooth Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 22 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed Microphone, Ideal For Range, Shooting & Hunting (TAC300-OTH) : Sports & Outdoors

Peltor™ Sport Tactical 500 Electronic Hearing Protector, TAC500-OTH, 1  Hearing Protector, 4/Case | 3M United States
Peltor™ Sport Tactical 500 Electronic Hearing Protector, TAC500-OTH, 1 Hearing Protector, 4/Case | 3M United States

Peltor Sport Tactical 500 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector, Bluetooth  Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 26 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed  Microphone, ...
Peltor Sport Tactical 500 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector, Bluetooth Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 26 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed Microphone, ...

Amazon.com: Peltor Sport Tactical 300 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector,  Bluetooth Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 22 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed  Microphone, Ideal For Range, Shooting & Hunting (TAC300-OTH) : Sports &  Outdoors
Amazon.com: Peltor Sport Tactical 300 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector, Bluetooth Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 22 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed Microphone, Ideal For Range, Shooting & Hunting (TAC300-OTH) : Sports & Outdoors

Amazon.com: Peltor Sport Tactical 300 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector,  Bluetooth Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 22 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed  Microphone, Ideal For Range, Shooting & Hunting (TAC300-OTH) : Sports &  Outdoors
Amazon.com: Peltor Sport Tactical 300 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector, Bluetooth Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 22 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed Microphone, Ideal For Range, Shooting & Hunting (TAC300-OTH) : Sports & Outdoors

Peltor™ Sport Tactical 500 Electronic Hearing Protector, TAC500-OTH, 1  Hearing Protector, 4/Case | 3M United States
Peltor™ Sport Tactical 500 Electronic Hearing Protector, TAC500-OTH, 1 Hearing Protector, 4/Case | 3M United States

Peltor製デジタルイヤープロテクター、Sport Tactical 100 Electronic Hearing Protector by 3M(TAC100)を買ってみた  | エボログ
Peltor製デジタルイヤープロテクター、Sport Tactical 100 Electronic Hearing Protector by 3M(TAC100)を買ってみた | エボログ

3M™ PELTOR™ Tactical Sport™ MT16H210F-SV, Electronic Headset, Foldable  Headband, Black, 10 Each/Case | 3M United States
3M™ PELTOR™ Tactical Sport™ MT16H210F-SV, Electronic Headset, Foldable Headband, Black, 10 Each/Case | 3M United States

Amazon.com: Peltor Sport Tactical 300 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector,  Bluetooth Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 22 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed  Microphone, Ideal For Range, Shooting & Hunting (TAC300-OTH) : Sports &  Outdoors
Amazon.com: Peltor Sport Tactical 300 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector, Bluetooth Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 22 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed Microphone, Ideal For Range, Shooting & Hunting (TAC300-OTH) : Sports & Outdoors

3M™ PELTOR™ Tactical Sport™ MT16H210F-SV, Electronic Headset, Foldable  Headband, Black, 10 Each/Case | 3M United States
3M™ PELTOR™ Tactical Sport™ MT16H210F-SV, Electronic Headset, Foldable Headband, Black, 10 Each/Case | 3M United States

Peltor Sport Tactical 100 Electronic Hearing Protector (TAC100) by 3M
Peltor Sport Tactical 100 Electronic Hearing Protector (TAC100) by 3M

Peltor Sport Tactical 500 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector, Bluetooth  Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 26 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed  Microphone, ...
Peltor Sport Tactical 500 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector, Bluetooth Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 26 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed Microphone, ...

Peltor Sport Tactical 500 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector, Bluetooth  Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 26 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed  Microphone, ...
Peltor Sport Tactical 500 Smart Electronic Hearing Protector, Bluetooth Wireless Ear Muffs, NRR 26 dB, Bluetooth Headphones With Recessed Microphone, ...

残り 6 18,500円

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